

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Idol Worship

Ever have one of those days when you're feeling good about yourself, when suddenly something/someone happens and makes you want to hide your pride under a dark rock? You guessed it- one of THOSE days for me today.

As I proudly checked something seemingly significant off of my to-do list, someone stopped by my office and noticed my screen saver- which happened at the time to be featuring my adorable niece & 3 nephews.

You know what's cool? The twins have a heart-wrenching story behind them, yet my sister urges everyone to just think about the present, look to the future, and help everyone possible in between. She has 4 children 5 and under, but still teaches piano lessons, assists in leading a 100+ member mom's group through her church, and has a side business creating children's religious music CDs. And I thought I was busy... and useful...

I think God sprinkles in some truly good people every once and while so the rest of us have a reality check to bounce up against. He's a pretty smart dude.


Blogger Jennifer said...

How on earth does your sister DO it all? (But how cute, cute, cute is her family?!!)

12/27/06, 9:59 AM>  

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